The Edgar Cayce Readings
Continent and Culture of Atlantis
Readings Extract - Conflict between Belial and Law of One
READING: 263-4
The entity was in the Atlantean land, in those periods when there
first began the withdrawings from the Law of One, those establishings
of the sons - or of the SON Belial in that experience.
READING: 263-4
The entity made for a foregathering with these for power, having
been of the priestesses of the land; and through the activities of
Belial became the priestess in the temple that was built in
opposition to the sons of the Law of ONE. ALSO IN: Vocations and
Activities ALSO IN: Social, Religious, Political, Legal
entity was in the Atlantean period when there were those contentions
between those of the one faith and those that were of Bel-Ra - or the
idol worshippers. In the household of the king before the third
Atlantis we find the entity, as there were those periods before the
destruction - when there were being continually waged what may be
termed war, but rather in the sense as would be considered in the
present period when there is being a campaign by individuals or
groups respecting the impulsive influence that is directing the
activities of the man, the brother, the neighbor, the associate. Or,
as would be termed, an evangelistic campaign. This was being waged
between the followers of the patriarchs of old; of Alta, of Quoauda,
and those that directed against the sons of Baalilal. [Belial? Deut.
was in the Atlantean period before the second of the turmoils that
separated the islands or broke up the land into islands; and in the
city of Eden in Poseidia did the entity then dwell. The entity was
among the Atlan lands and peoples and of those that served in the
temple during the building of the temple to the One, the law of the
One, the understanding of the law of the One. Then the entity became
enamored with those of of the house of Baalilal, and faltered in the
experience; yet it was forgiven much through those sojournings in the
understandings of that given through Quoauda in the land. ALSO
IN: Places and Descriptions of Atlantis
was in that land known as the Atlantean, during those periods when
there was the second of the destructive forces that brought
destruction to those both of the ONE FAITH and those of Baalilal.
ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes
What was the date of the Peruvian incarnation as given in Life
Reading, and what was the disturbance in the earth as mentioned? Give
such details as will clear up this period. (A) As indicated from that
just given, the entity was in Atlantis when there was the second
period of disturbance -which would be some twenty-two thousand, five
hundred (22,500) before the periods of the Egyptian activity covered
by the Exodus; or it was some twenty-eight thousand (28,000) before
Christ, see? Then we had a period where the activities in the
Atlantean land became more in provinces, or there were small channels
through many of the lands. And there were those, with the entity and
its associates or companions, who left the activities to engage in
the building up of the activities in the Peruvian land. For the
Atlanteans were becoming decadent, or being broken up owing to the
disputes between the children of the Law of One and the children of
Belial. ALSO IN: Reference to Time Periods of Events ALSO IN:
Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact
with Other Lands
was in the Atlantean period. Entity made those choices for the Sons
of the Law of One, and when the entity had to make those choices for
that as was to deal with those who brought destruction by the
misapplication of spiritual laws in material ways and manners. Those
as we find were the periods when the entity excelled in those things
that had to do with machinery, mechanics, the application of
electrical forces as would be called today those of radiation, and
heating, and the applications of same to the uses for crafts, for
homes, for buildings, the use of same in the associations of what
would be called today commercial ways and manners. ALSO IN:
Technology, Science, Architecture
was in the land now called the Atlantean, during those periods when -
before the destructive forces that arose in the land - there were the
particular activities in the communications; not only by the lighter
than air machines but by the developments of the communications in
what are now known as the radio-active forces. Those were a portion
of the entity's activity, and in con junction with those that
supervised such associations did the entity give and lend aid and
counsel that made for the establishing of such an influence of those
in the land during that sojourn. The entity was among those who aided
not only the lowly but those in authority; losing only in trying to
defend some of the associations against the activities of the
activities of the children of Belial. But there was developing
throughout the experience. ALSO IN: Technology, Science,
we find there had been the separating into groups (as we would call
them) for this or that phase of activity; and those that were against
that MANNER of development. The Sons of Belial were of one group, or
those that sought more the gratifying, the satisfying, the use of
material things for self, WITHOUT thought or consideration as to the
sources of such nor the hardships in the experiences of others. Or,
in other words, as we would term it today, they were those without a
standard of morality. The other group - those who followed the Law of
One - had a standard. The Sons of Belial had no standard, save of
self, self-aggrandizement.
entities that were then the producers (as we would term today), or
the laborers, the farmers or the artisans, or those who were in the
positions of what we would call in the present just machines, were
those that were projections of the individual activity of the group.
And it was over these then, and the relationships that they bore to
those that were in authority, that the differences arose. ALSO
IN: Social, Religious, Political, Legal
STANDARD (the Law of One) was that the soul was given by the Creator
or entered from outside sources INTO the projection of the MENTAL and
spiritual self at the given periods. THAT was the standard of the Law
of One, but was REJECTED by the Sons of Belial.
was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when there were the
uses being made of the energies that had been gathered through the
activities of those of the Law of One and those of Belial.
entity's activity was again as one in authority, the desires and the
expressions of the entity made for the use of energies gathered
through activities of Law of One and Belial to DESTROY those that had
withdrawn, or made attempts to induce the people to become adherents
to the desires of the material forces in their activities.
that experience the entity was among the children of the Law of One
who accepted and forsook much of those activities because of its
close associations and companionships with one of the sons of Belial.
entity was among those peoples of the Law of One; and there, too, the
entity sought to make the applications the more universal, yet the
sons of Belial and of Bul (?) made for the misapplication of the
trusts the entity gave.
that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, when there were
the choices to be made between the sons of the Law of One and the
sons of Belial. There the entity attempted all too oft to play, as it
were, the influences and activities of the one as against the other.
that the entity was in the Atlantean land, during those periods of
the first of the destructive forces. There we find the entity was in
a state of turmoil because of the activities of the sons of Belial,
and with those of the daughters of the children of One. For the
entity had disputations, - being physically in love with one of the
sons of Belial, and yet giving in its service, giving in its
activities with the children of the Law of One.
find that in those periods there was not a laboring for the
sustenance of life (as in the present), but rather individuals who
were children of the Law of One - and some who were the children of
Belial (in the early experience) -were served by automatons, or
THINGS, that were retained by individuals or groups to do the labors
of a household, or to cultivate the fields or the like, or to perform
the activities of artisans or the like. And these were those
activities through which much of the disturbing forces grew to be
factors to be reckoned with, between the children of the Law of One
and the sons of Belial. For, these were the representation of what in
the present experiences would be termed good and evil, or a spiritual
thought and purpose and a material thought or desire or purpose.
we find that the entity, as has been indicated, was PHYSICALLY in
love with one of the children of the sons of Belial. Hence there were
disturbing factors, by the desire and the attempt to influence the
entity to refrain from associations with the children of Belial. For
- as would be compared with the present - the association would be as
of a young girl or person with those who were given to debauchery, or
to the satisfying alone of the appetites of every nature, or the
material experiences as might be indicated in the present. These
brought the disturbing forces throughout the experience; yet there
were the eventual associations - or conjugations - with the son of
Belial. Thus there was the taking on of the physical desires, the
physical reactions which were at variance to the teachings and the
innate expressions of those who had been the companions and
associates of the entity.
entity was among those who came to the Egyptian land during periods
of breaking up of the land, of the children of the Law of One , - yet
coveting the principles of the children of Belial; thus causing in
part those disturbances which arose in the Egyptian period of the
entity's activity there. Hence with the associations of (?), and
others of that group who undertook to hold to those activities which
arose by the banishment of the Priest, the entity was only brought to
the better understanding with the return of the Priest, - through the
aid from some of the Natives, and a few of the entity's own people.
ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Egypt
children of the Law of One were giving periods to the concentration
of thought for the use of the universal forces, through the guidance
or direction of the saints (as would be termed today). There are few
terms in the present that would indicate the state of consciousness;
save that, through the concentration of the group mind of the
children of the Law of One, they entered into a fourth-dimensional
consciousness - or were absent from the body. Thus they were able to
have that experience of crystallizing, through the Light, the speech
from what might well be termed the saint realm, to impart
understanding and knowledge to the group thus gathered. To be sure,
there were those influences apparent in which the children or sons of
Belial sought more and more the use, or the interpreting of that
spiritual unity into individuals or material things for
self-aggrandizement or indulgences without due consideration for the
freedom of choice or decision by those who were then, in the physical
experience, in that state of evolution of developing their mental
abilities for single or separate activity. Thus the great conflicting
problems that arose in the experiences of the entity through that
period of activity. Among those of the entity's own group that
division had come in which there had arisen the separation of the
sexes. There were those who had listened, and who were inclined to
listen to the tempting applications made by the sons of Belial. These
had made some impressions upon the companion, upon the workers -
together with the entity in its choice of the representatives, in the
activity among the peoples of that period. Something of the
consciousness of the individuals that were in that state of evolution
or development might well be interpreted in the language of today, if
there is to be a proper interpreting of that influence to be applied
by the entity in its choice of companion, of associations, in this
present experience. A comparison might be made, that is not a full
interpretation but gives something of an idea of the beings that have
in some experiences advanced to that activity as may be implied in
present day terms. Those individuals who had through their sojourns
in the earth as souls pushed into matter as to become separate
entities, without the consideration of principle or the ability of
self-control, might be compared to the domestic pets of today, - as
the present development of the horse, the mule, the dog, the cat.
This is not intended to indicate that there is transmigration or
transmutation of the soul from animal to human; but the comparison is
made as to trait, as to mind, and as to how those so domesticated in
the present are dependent upon their masters for that consideration
of their material as well as mental welfare, - yet in each there is
still the instinct, the predominant nature of that class or
group-soul impregnation into which it has pushed itself for
self-expression. Hence those interpretations are implied by the
characteristics indicated in the name itself, as to the relationships
to its group and its dealing in sexual relationships. Hence the
terms, - as docile as the horse, as catty as the cat, as stubborn as
the mule, or the like. These, then, are merely the indications of the
groups that were being used through that period for the activities of
the individual entity, as to its application of spiritual and mental
universal laws in materiality; the same as in every realm of today.
The entity then was the high priestess in authority, or the
interpreter to the groups of the messages attained or gained from the
periodical meetings with those from the universal realm, for
instruction, for direction, for understanding in those periods of
activity. Being influenced by the groups or individuals about same,
there were those disputations with them as to the purposes of the
children of Belial; that these were to be exploited rather than to be
made equals with those thus endowed with the spiritual understanding.
For, as it remains in the present day: That declaration made and
those influences entertained, whether for construction or
destruction, depend upon that force upon which the declaration by the
entity was made, or that spirit with which the declaration was made
or the influences entertained. In other words, with what spirit do ye
declare thyself? That in conformity with the universal consciousness,
the law of love? Or that of hate, dissension, contention - which
brings or produces burdens upon thy fellow associates? For, the law
of love is unchangeable; in that as ye do it to the least of thy
fellows, ye do it to thy Maker. These are the problems with which the
entity was confronted in its activity, in its sojourn through that
particular phase of its experience; being tempted by that entity who
favored less and less the law of One and became more and more
favorable to the sons of Belial. (Q) Describe in detail the entity's
work with the White Stone, and present urges from this. (A) This may
be well implied from that indicated. The entity as the high priestess
was the interpreter of the messages received through the
concentration of the group upon the stone from which the oracle spoke
from the realm of the saints (as would be termed today), or impressed
upon those of that period - the group - the messages of hope,
encouragement, endearment, and the necessity of keeping the oneness
of purpose.
the entity was of the children of the Law of One; yet the combative
influences wrought by the activities of the sons of Belial brought
those periods of indeterminate activity - or that which finds
expression in the present as of not fully being convinced deep within
self save by practical experience. And as this had little to do with
the final outcome in the material experience, there came doubts and
fears that oft arise, and those differences, come from some
experiences of the entity in that sojourn. For, the entity was a
princess that listened to the voice of a son of Belial. Though the
entity sought not that of self or of self-indulgence, it belittled
self in its OWN mind, through those turmoils that arose from that
we have indicated, the Atlanteans were those that had reached an
advancement, had been entrusted with divine activities in the earth,
and - as the entity - forgot from whom, in whom all live and have
their being; thus brought about within themselves - that which
destroyed the body, but not the soul.
was in Atlantis when those activities brought about the final
destruction of the land. The entity was among the children of the Law
of One, and yet allowed self to be led astray by the sons of Belial.
was in the Atlantean land, when there were those usages of the high
developments in the activities of the mechanical nature. Thus the
entity was one who builded the planes, those activities in air, in
water, as directed by the stone from which the forces were generated
- or such as the radio beam in the present, - from that central facet
for which the entity made those experiences - and that are the dreams
of the entity in the present. These may be used for constructive or
destructive forces. These were allowed to become, or did become,
those forces that brought about the last breaking up of Poseidia. In
the experience the entity held fast to the creative purposes but was
overruled by the sons of Belial, when those warrings began between
the sons of the children of the Law of One and the sons of Belial.
ALSO IN: Technology, Science, Architecture ALSO IN: Vocations
and Activities
entity then unified the usages of spiritual laws to the awakening or
unfoldment of the activities for the benefits of the brotherhood of
man, - as it unified itself against those destructive forces in the
forms of those projections that had become as torments to those who
chose the Law of One.
was in the Atlantean land when there were turmoils, just before the
second breaking up of the land, when there were those discussions and
turmoil between the sons of Belial and children of the Law of One.
The entity joined with those to attempt to use the material advantage
of the sons of Belial but to keep the principles of the children of
the Law of One. ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes
was in Atlantis, in those periods when there was the breaking up of
the varied lands, when so much dissension arose among the children of
the Law of One and the sons of Belial - as to the purposes of the
various groups in keeping those experiences for those peoples used in
laborious activities as a means for the building.
Cayce Readings Copyright Edgar Cayce Foundation 1971,
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